New Faces at Arts Upper Hunter

Arts Upper Hunter is pleased to welcome new board members Martha Moderitz and Annie Rogers.   Martha Moderitz  (left) Martha is a practising artist and art educator operating in Newcastle and Singleton. She has been delivering art workshops and working on art projects in the Hunter region since 2021. Prior to this and from 2002,…

Regional Arts NSW presents Click: Year Two

Following last year’s success, a new series of CLICK workshops in arts business starts on 5 July. Aimed at regional arts practitioners, arts workers, organisations and businesses, they are offering ten online sessions over nearly three months. Get to know the professional world! Workshops are delivered by hosts Regional Arts NSW, as well as industry…

Weave Some Magic

Learn and practise your weaving skills with this new group project. Arts Upper Hunter in conjunction with Liddell WORKS Creative Program, AGL Macquarie, Muswellbrook Regional Arts Centre and Singleton Arts and Culture Centre are running a creative program that brings artists and creatives to share in their interpretation of what was, what it could potentially…

Newcastle Poetry Prize – Entries now Open

The Hunter Writers’ Centre is delighted to announce entries are now open for Australia’s most significant literary award — the Newcastle Poetry Prize. For over 30 years, the Newcastle Poetry Prize has championed Australian poets and their craft. With a generous prize pool sponsored by the University of Newcastle and a first prize of $15,000,…

Arts Upper Hunter excited to a part of NAIDOC Celebrations throughout the month of July 2023.

Singleton will be holding their NAIDOC celebrations on Wednesday, July 5th at the Singleton Showground from 10:00AM -2:00PM. AUH project officers and our Aboriginal Arts Officer, Richie Lawton will be in attendance providing Aboriginal inspired creative activities for the family fun day.  Details visit Facebook. On Sunday, July 30th Gomeroi artist Jakeob Watson will be…