Murrurundi Twilight Christmas Shopping

Murrurundi is having it’s Twilight Christmas Shopping event Saturday 11th December, 6pm till late. Local galleries, artists studios, shops and cafes will be open. In addition the Murra Country Markets will be on in the park, and the Murrurundi Collective, Farmers & Producer’s Market at 41 Mayne St, Murrurundi. Date: Saturday 11 December, 6pm. Venue:…

Thoughts From the ED- What are your plans?

Next year is coming fast. Reopening is upon us. Some are already creaking open their doors and inviting viewers crowds listeners gawkers in. What are your plans? We’d love to know. Swing us an email telling us what you’re up to. Are you a venue with an intriguing program of music starting in, say,…

Regional Futures project seeks 3 creatives

The Regional Futures project is currently seeking applications from regionally based creatives for three aspects of the project: 1. First Nations Curator – EOI (closes 15 Dec) – click here 2. Brand Identity – Request for Proposals (closes 13 Dec) – click here 3. Website Development – Request for Proposals (closes 13 Dec) – click…

Arts Upper Hunter Is Still Operating

Due to the current rain, flooding and road closures, our office in Muswellbrook is closed today, Friday 26 November. We apologies for any inconvenience this causes. Staff can be contacted by phone, email and PM. John O’Brien, Executive Director, on 0409 382 509 or via email Sandra Reichel, Office Manager, on 0481 166 415…

The Cultural Tourism Accelerator

The Cultural Tourism Accelerator Program is a $5 million targeted measure announced by the Australian Government as part of the Regional Arts Tourism package, which will enable arts organisations to promote and develop cultural events for tourists across regional Australia. The program will increase tourism visitation in regional, rural and remote communities across Australia by…

Vacy community Arts Centre Reopening

Great news, the Vacy Community Arts Centre is re-opening Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st November up until Christmas. It will then be closed all January and re-open first weekend in February 2022. They have a lovely variety of gifts, pop on in you might just find that Christmas gift you’ve been looking for. Open 11am…

Dungog by Design Calling Creatives

Dungog by Design wants to boost membership and is inviting artisans residing in the Dungog Shire to apply as exhibiting members. There is a selection process and an enjoyable 6 hour day per month in the gallery is required. Alternatively, if you would like to support Dungog Artisans Inc and be a part of this…

Thoughts from the Editor 15 November 2021

Around mid December, the unvaccinated will join the vaxed in more freedoms. Meanwhile the rusty gears of creative commerce are grinding back into motion. Please, support anything that’s opening, with all due caution, of course. Over the summer, I’d love it if you did some thinking (just drop the novel into the sand for a…

Metro Arts and Firstdraft partnership: exhibition opportunity for artists living outside capital cities

FIrstdraft (Gadigal Land, Sydney) and Metro Arts (Meeanjin, Brisbane) are delighted to announce a new two-year reciprocal partnership supporting two artists living outside of capital cities – one from NSW and another from QLD – to present work across both organisations in 2022 and 2023. The partnership between the two organisations will support the production…