Gig in the Gog is a free, all-ages performing arts event. Everyone is welcome.
Come and sing, play, tell jokes, recite poetry, dance, juggle, perhaps prestidigitate or levitate. Or whatever ability or skill it is which you care to share with us.
Gig in the Gog is somewhat like a jam session meets open mike, meets karaoke, meets fun get together- all in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.
Participants can bring any musical instruments they like – or none. There is no pressure to perform, and no need to put your name down ahead of time, just turn up and see what happens.
Spectators are welcome, but often end up participating, singing or clapping.
Sunday 9 & Sunday 23 February, 2025
12 to 2pm
266 Dowling St, Dungog.
For details please email Lisa at
Image: Last Gig performance was at the opening of the “Gaia” opening. Robert Smith played his clarinet and attendees at the opening sang along. Taken by Lisa Wiseman.