Dungog By Design is pleased to be featuring artworks from Nigel Stokes for the month of September.
Artist statement
For me, blacksmithing came out of the blue when it was time to start making my way in life. It was an apprenticeship offered in the mining industry in the UK in the late 70s and was more of an industrial upbringing, but it taught me how hot steel could be shaped by both hand and machine. Most of my time was spent making tools and other mining related items, with just minimal time allowed to focus on decorative work.
Move forward several years, a change of industry and a new country, but I never lost the urge to work with hot steel.
A chance meeting with a local blacksmith and the fire was restarted, but this time, based more on decorative and artistic work and “Phoenix Forge” emerged.
Since re awakening, I have been busy showcasing the craft at many different shows, fairs, and events, along with the sale of various items through local galleries and commissions, as well as exhibitions throughout Australia.
Based at Glen Oak, a small country town between Maitland and the Barrington Tops, the forge is fully equipped for minor industrial and decorative work.
I appreciate you taking time to review some of my work and if you have any questions I can be contacted by email and Facebook
Email phoenixforge@hotmail.com.au
Facebook Phoenix Forge Australia
Venue: Dungog By Design,224 Dowling St, Dungog.
Open: Wednesday to Friday 10am to 4pm, Saturday to Sunday 9am to 3pm.
More details: Visit Facebook
Images are courtesy of NIgel