The Singleton Public Library is proud to present this photographic exhibition by Roger Skinner.
Roger’s artist statement
“When I work in a landscape, I take on Garry Foye’s tip of searching for a motif, and when I find it I restrict myself to working on finding recurrences of that motif in the landscape. I sought to apply this technique during a recent workshop down at Narooma.
In that small space of time, immediately following the “decisive moment” where a wave runs up a beach to an inevitable point of return. There is a space occupied by a retreat to the ocean from whence the wave came. It took a while, and I didn’t recognise it at first as being my motif for the recent trip south to Narooma. I still remember being, not necessarily fascinated by the ocean’s leavings but it certainly attracted my attention, as I stood looking for something without realising, I was in fact looking at it. The motif for this trip. The large elliptical wet shadows of where waves once washed, and subsequent interpretations.
The space in time where this occurred was naturally, short as the waves kept pounding the beach, but in those briefest of moments, something began to build on about day three of the workshop and so whilst as ever, photographing the “big things” as per the tutors wish, I also found time to steal the images. I remember too, laughing at Mullimburra Point Beach and calling to a comrade, “how beautiful is this!” and gleefully making exposure after exposure.
So the motif sneaked up on me, as it can, and good on it!”
In addition Roger will be exhibiting some of his artist books as well some links to his youtube site for other books.
Mixed Media Infra Red Shot Collection – YouTube
Bhutan Nothing Lasts Forever and it Doesn’t Matter – YouTube
Like A Tin Drum, Drought – YouTube
Singleton Public Library, 8-10 Queen Street Singleton NSW 2330
Open: Monday to Friday from 9am – 7pm. Saturday from 9am – 2pm.
Exhibition closes: To be advised.
More details visit:
Image and artist statement courtesy of Roger Skinner.