Blak Arts Collective, Arts Upper Hunter’s new program for First Nations creatives in our region, starts to roll out this month. Funded by the Australian Government’s Indigenous Visual Arts Industry Support scheme, we are thrilled to be working in collaboration with the Wanaruah Local Aboriginal Land Council to deliver the program. Market stalls, a schools program, a vibrant new logo and serious attention to local First Nations artists are all part of the mix.
The goal is to create opportunities for Aboriginal artists and to support them selling work – in time we hope to reach a national audience. Wanaruah LALC workers Kemer Edwards and Vanessa Kelman are working on the schools program and Blak Arts market stall…
“Market stalls are great: someone has a little side hustle, and they use a market to get their work out there,” says Kemer. “And that’s what we’re trying to do – get the work out there, get the stories behind the work. Tourists are hungry for authentic souvenirs and artworks.” The first Blak Arts stall will be April or May – “we’ll put a call-out soon for product!” says Kemer.
The schools program is the brainchild of Richie and Sue Lawton. “Dare 2B Deadly is what we’ve called it: it’s to introduce young people to people who make art their career. Cultural work has been good for me – I want the young people to realise it could be something for them too.”
According to Kemer, “Dare 2B Deadly is an opportunity for people in the industry to guide and inspire the younger generation, show them that they can pursue art if they want to. There’ll be lots of hands-on and some mentoring. We’ll be working closely with high schools in the region.”
The branding for the Blak Arts program is by Singleton graphic artist Kerri-Ann Taggart. Her goal was to create a logo that was truly local.
“Because the program is for this area,” she says, “it’s important to pay homage to local culture. Handprints are an authentic local expression from the people here, so I thought they would be appropriate.” The logo has a painterly texture: “Keeping the texture adds a human touch to it, as art is incredibly personal. It’s handmade. It’s raw. And handprints are used to show one’s journey of life and knowledge throughout local culture. The Aboriginal colours go without saying – our flag is very loud and bright, and so’s the Blak Arts Collective brand.”
Stay tuned for more news as the program rolls out.
Image: Kemer Edwards (Wanaruah LALC), Richie Lawton (Arts Upper Hunter and Budbudda Dreaming) and Kerri-Ann Taggart “sprouting” with great ideas. Venue Worn out Wares Singleton. Photo by John O’Brien.
Logo: designed by Kerri-Ann Taggart.
Blak Arts Collective is supported through the Australian Government’s Indigenous Visual Arts Industry Support program.