We would love to see you at a Strategic Planning Session. Arts Upper Hunter will be visiting towns and villages in the region over the next couple of months as part of our Strategic Planning for the next four years. We want to hear from you, your community, your Councils.
This is not just about AUH but about the future creative directions and priorities for the whole region. What is working well? What’s missing in the world of art and culture in this region, in your town, in your practice? What goals should we have for the medium term (eg by the end of 2028)? The Community Consultation sessions won’t be too long, and each session will also include some updates and possibilities that we think you’ll find very useful:
Love to see you there. Where’s there? Well … Murrurundi: 4pm Wednesday 11 September CWA Hall. No need to book but please come – encourage your members. Ring me if you have any queries. Or suggestions!