Restart: AWKWARD by Catapult Dance Choreographic Hub Tour of Region in March 2021

Catapult Dance performed “Awkward”, a relevant contemporary dance performance in Merriwa, Muswellbrook, Singleton and Clarence Town. All performances activated spaces that had previously been lying dormant during and as a result of the pandemic. In some instances, audience participants were engaged for the first time in contemporary dance. The feedback from the communities where performances…

2020 Microgrants At Work

Arts Upper Hunter supported 21 artists and arts organisations impacted by COVID in 2020 in our region. Here are examples of the grants at work.   ArtOnly by Anita Assisted with promotional and advertising material, new website, and art supplies to host a workshop. Visit Facebook page   Can Assist Merriwa Commission a local artist…

2020 Microgrants At Work

Arts Upper Hunter supported 21 artists and arts organisations impacted by COVID in 2020 in our region. Here are examples of the grants at work.   Callicoma Hill Eco-cabins Supported the first concert performance in 12 months in Singleton. Originally planned to happened outdoors at the end of 2020 but had to be postponed due…